Enhance your existing labs

Emona netCIRCUITlabs is a complementary platform for your existing Analog & Digital Circuits labs. Add one piece of equipment and get more students doing real hardware experiments anywhere, anytime.

Save on cost, space & time

50 or more students at one time means hundreds of students on the go with one Control Unit. Get this at the cost of 3 or 4 traditional experiment base units, but serves hundreds of students. No inventory, more flexibility.

How does this work?

Hardware control unit stays at your lab. 50+ students access the unit at a time, via browser from anywhere, working on independent experiment sessions. Emona’s unique high speed multiplexing technology ensures a unique and seamless experience for each user.

They Like Us Because...

Try it Free Now

Please access Four live experiments online which are set up on four netCIRCUITlabs Servers, at our Sydney office. Use the following info to login on all four boards. For a FREE TRIAL username & password, please contact us at '[email protected]'

*Please use Google Chrome, Edge or Firefox to access the experiments. Internet Explorer is not supported.

NOTE: The above examples demonstrate how the experiments are controlled within the web browser. In all these four experiments, you are controlling the real hardware equipment located in our Sydney office. When you purchase the system, we supply the hardware unit and you place it in your lab/office, and you manage the student access.

Interested in Remote Access to Communications Lab Experiments?
Click here to find out more about our solution: net*TIMS-Freewire

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a Simulation?

No. This is not a Simulation at all. You are remotely accessing the real hardware through browser.

Where is the hardware located?

netCIRCUITlabs hardware is located at your Lab. It is a single complete standalone unit supplied ready to use independently.

Does the student need to book a time?

No. You allocate passwords to students on admin page, to control who all can access, and they all use it simultaneously & independently.

Is there any software loading or installation?

No. There is no coding or installation. Experiment boards are auto detected & configured. No software loading.

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